Team Visit to Meridian Council
In early March Meridian Council was pleased to welcome the District Grand Prefect and the District Team to their Meeting at Preston Masonic Hall.
After being welcomed by David Winder W.M., the District Prefect Paul Snape introduced the District Officers. Before any further business could be conducted a knock came from the door, who could this be? you may have guessed, none other than the Grand Master Tom Jackson, David Winder welcomed him to the meeting.
The District Team
Just over forty Allied Masons were present to witness John James and Jonathon Measures admitted to the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, this well worked Ceremony was conducted by Gordon Pilkington assisted by other Council Members, after which the Lecture was presented by Geoff Catterall.
Before the meeting closed the District Prefect Paul Snape congratulated and thanked everyone who had taken part in the Ceremony for the high standard of their work, wishing them all future success.
Brian Burgess-Dicks, David Winder
In reply W.Bro. David Winder thanked the District Grand Prefect for his generous comments, and then he thanked everyone present for their encouragement.
Jonathon Measures, David Winder, Gordon Pilkington, John James
In conclusion David then invited the District Grand Prefect and all present to join him at dinner,
Report and Photos from our Central Lancashire Correspondent